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Stay Strong and Healthy During Summer Baseball Season

One of the most common mistakes made by high school baseball players is that they stop working out once the season starts. It's understandable. You're busting your butt in practices and games. Where do you find the time?

Well, you need to make time, because training during the season is critical for preventing injuries and staying strong over the course of the long season.

Our best tip for in-season baseball players, Keep training! . You don't have to go as hard, as heavy or as often as you go in the off-season, but lifting weights in-season does more than just maintain the strength you've built. Every time you work out, it means you're foam rolling, warming up and exposing yourself to movements and ranges of motion you don't get while playing baseball. That's the stuff that often gets forgotten during the season. The baseball season is a grind. Establishing a consistent routine is essential. One of the most important things is definitely consistency with your routine from a preparation standpoint—getting your body ready for what you're about to partake in.

Keep Your Workouts Short and Sweet!

