The cost of college tuition continues to go up year after year. Public schools (state schools) are typically a lot less expensive than private institutions. However, do not let the cost of the school cause you to eliminate it from your Target List. Many of the private schools will give scholarships, grants, loans and academic/athletic aid to bring the cost more in line with the state schools. If an expensive school begins recruiting you, be sure to ask these questions up front so the coach can explain how things work. Once you know what the average athlete pays for college on that team, you may find it to be more reasonable than you first thought. Once you have filled out all of your paperwork, sent in transcripts, asked where to look for other monies and pulled together your true cost, then you can decide if it is right financially for you and your family.
One important tip that many people do not utilize is asking the coach, current players, and the admissions office where you can find more money. There could be work/study money available or even scholarship money in your community from businesses or churches. Popular apps like Scholly are inexpensive and will give you a list of scholarships you could qualify for based on the information you enter. Other sources to check with include your high school teachers, guidance counselor, parents that have college students currently and Google! Be sure to look over the current team roster and see if you know anyone who you could call. If you can speak to a player that has recently gone through the process, they will usually have the inside track on where to look for money or at least who you should contact to find out more.
Lastly, be sure that you add in all costs associated with attending. Tuition is the big part but don't forget housing, books, insurance, meal plans, gas, etc. Make a list as if you are creating a budget and add/subtract items as you know what they are. It is highly advised to go to the school's website and use their Net Price Calculator to get an estimate of your cost. Majority of schools have this tool in an easy to find spot on their website but if you cannot find it, email their support team and ask for help.